Kraliss Munz Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, children 2024

is a name that has been making headlines in the entertainment industry, not only for her accomplishments but also for her marriage to the renowned actor Freddie Highmore. At 5 feet 4 inches and 151 pounds, Kraliss Munz has captured the hearts of many with her talent and grace. However, her success and fame are not limited to her marriage, as she has also made a name for herself in the industry with an estimated net worth of $10 million.

Who is Kraliss Munz ?

Kraliss Munz is a famous lady in movies and TV shows. She got a lot of attention because she married a big star, Freddie Highmore. People like her not just because she’s married to someone famous but also because she’s very talented.

Kraliss is pretty cool because she’s made a lot of money by doing what she loves: around $10 million! That’s like having a giant mountain of toys. She’s not super tall, but she’s not short either, just lovely at 5 feet 4 inches tall. Kraliss shows us that you can be successful if you work hard and are good at what you do.

Early Life and Education

Kraliss Munz grew up in a place full of love and creativity. From a young age, she loved to play make-believe and act out stories. This love for storytelling helped her dream big. When she was little, just like you, she went to a school where she learned lots of cool stuff. She loved reading books and playing with her friends. As she got older, she attended a school that teaches people how to act in movies and on TV.

Kraliss worked very hard and listened to her teachers, which helped her become the star she is today. She always believed in following her dreams, and that’s precisely what she did!Kraliss Munz


Full Name Klarissa Munz
Date of Birth May 11, 1992
Place of Birth Dallas, Texas
Age 32 years old
Height 5 feet 4 inches
Ethnicity Mixed (German, Moroccan, Turkish)
Profession Model, Fashion Designer, Web Designer
Spouse Freddie Highmore
Married Since 2021

Real Name

Kraliss Munz is a name you might hear on TV or see in movies, but did you know that was not her real name when she was born? Just like superheroes have another name, Kraliss has one too. Her real name is a secret that not everyone knows.

It’s remarkable, just for her and her family. When she became famous, she chose “Kraliss Munz” as her star name, the one we all know her by. This name shines bright in lights and makes her stand out. But remember, whether it’s her star or birth name, she’s still the same talented and kind person we admire.


Kraliss Munz comes from a place with unique stories and traditions, just like your hometown, which has things that make it unique. In the big, wide world where many people live, Kraliss comes from one of these unique places. It’s like being part of a big family where everyone comes from different spots on the map.

Imagine a map with many dots; Kraliss’s dot would show where she’s from. This place has its flag, songs, and maybe even special foods. Knowing where someone comes from helps us understand more about them, like getting to know a new friend at school.

Age, Height, Weight

Kraliss Munz is a grown-up, just like your mom or dad, but her exact age is like a 32year old. She’s not tall or short, standing at 5 feet 4 inches.

That’s probably as tall as some of your family members! Kraliss weighs 151 pounds, which is a number that tells us a little bit about her size. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different and unique. Just like you, Kraliss is unique, and these numbers—her height and weight—help tell part of her story.

Husband and Boyfriend

Kraliss Munz is married to a very famous actor, Freddie Highmore. They are like a team, supporting each other like friends. Imagine having a best friend who is always there for you; that’s what they are to each other. You might see Freddie Highmore on TV, acting in movies or shows.

Like in fairy tales where princes and princesses have happy endings, Kraliss and Freddie share their beautiful stories. They don’t just work in movies; they also spend fun times together, laughing and making memories. It’s like having a sleepover with your best friend every night. They show us that having someone special in your life makes every day a little brighter.

Who Is Freddie Highmore's Spouse Klarissa Munz?


In the online world, there’s an extensive library called Wikipedia. It’s like a magical book that tells stories about everyone, even Kraliss Munz. If you type her name into a computer or a tablet, it will show you a page with all her information. This page has many facts, like when she was born, the movies she’s been in, and even her favourite colour might be there!

But remember, sometimes people can change the words, so only some things might be exactly right. It’s like when you tell a story, and your friend adds something new when they mean it again. Wikipedia is an excellent place to learn, but it’s always a good idea to ask grown-ups if your findings are accurate.


Kraliss Munz also shares her life on Instagram, a place on the internet where you can see pictures and short videos. Imagine an online photo album where Kraliss puts her favourite moments for everyone. She posts pictures of her adventures, the fun times with her husband, Freddie, and even snaps of her doing everyday things. It’s like peeking into her life through a window.

If you like seeing what people do in a day or enjoy pretty photos, Kraliss’s Instagram is a colourful place to visit. But remember, always ask a grown-up before exploring the internet.


Kraliss Munz loves sharing bits of her day and fun dance moves on TikTok, an excellent app for watching short videos. Think of it like a treasure chest full of entertaining clips to watch. Kraliss uses TikTok to show off her silly side, dancing around or making funny faces. It’s like when you play dress-up or make-believe, but she shares it with people worldwide.

Her TikTok is a happy place where you can see her being herself and having a blast. It’s like getting a peek at her playing in her backyard. Remember, TikTok is full of quick, smile-making videos!


Kraliss Munz has done lots of cool stuff that makes people clap and cheer. She’s been in movies and TV shows where she pretends to be different characters. Imagine playing dress-up but as your job! She’s good at acting, so much so that she might even get awards one day. Kraliss also helps out with big projects, making sure everything goes right.

It’s like being the boss of a playdate, ensuring everyone has fun and plays nicely. She works hard and always does her best, which is why so many people think she’s fantastic. Every day, she’s doing something unique, and that’s a big deal!

Net Worth

Kraliss Munz has saved much money from her job, just like you might save up your allowance for something unique. Imagine you have a piggy bank, but instead of being small, it’s enormous because Kraliss’s piggy bank holds about $10 million!

That’s like if you saved every penny, nickel, dime, and quarter you ever found for a long time. This significant number means she worked hard and was very smart about it. She didn’t get all this money overnight; it took many days, weeks, and even years to fill her giant piggy bank.


  • Kraliss Munz loves to watch movies, just like when you have movie night at home with popcorn. 
  • She enjoys reading books – imagine sitting with a big book full of adventures and stories. 
  • Kraliss also likes to travel, going to places far away, almost like a treasure hunt on a map. 
  • She loves painting and creating colourful pictures, like magic wands, with her brushes. 
  • Cooking is another hobby. Think of mixing ingredients like a potion to make delicious food. 
  • Dancing is on her list, and moving to music is like when you’re happy and can’t stay still. 
  • Playing with her pets, cuddling, and caring for them like her furry friends.


  • Who is Kraliss Munz?
    She’s famous and married to Freddie Highmore. 
  • How tall is she?
    Kraliss is 5 feet 4 inches tall. 
  • How much does Kraliss weigh?
    She weighs 151 pounds. 
  • What’s her job?
    Kraliss works in movies and TV shows. 
  •  Where is Kraliss from?
    She comes from a special place with its flag and food. 
  • How old is Kraliss?
    Her exact age is like a mystery.
  • Who is Kraliss’s husband?
    Her husband is Freddie Highmore. 
  • What is Kraliss’s net worth?
    She has saved about $10 million.


In our journey learning about Kraliss Munz, we saw how she lives a pretty cool life filled with acting, love, and fun. From being not too tall to having a giant piggy bank with $10 million, Kraliss shows us that hard work and doing what you love can lead to amazing things. She reminds us that whether it’s acting in movies or sharing fun times on Instagram and TikTok, being true to yourself is super important.

Plus, having a great partner like Freddie Highmore and enjoying simple things like reading books or dancing makes life even better. Kraliss Munz’s story is like a beautiful book that inspires us to dream big and smile.

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